Anxiety Therapy
Understand and Overcome Anxiety
Anxiety Is Exhausting And Often All-Consuming
If you have anxiety, you may find yourself constantly worrying about a number of situations, ruminating about social interactions, dwelling on past decisions, and judging yourself harshly.
If you struggle with anxiety, you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue experienced in the U.S. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 19.1% of adults in the U.S. experience an anxiety disorder within a year and approximately 31.1% of adults in the U.S. experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives.
If You Experience Anxiety, You May Relate To One Or More Of These Experiences
I have trouble starting and finishing things because I expect things to be perfect even though I know they don’t need to be
I’m terrified of failing or looking stupid
I’m always worrying and thinking about the worst-case scenario
When I’m stressed or anxious, that’s all I can focus on
I care too much about what other people think
I have trouble saying no and expressing my needs/thoughts/feelings
I experience intense anxiety and emotional triggers about certain events that happened in my life (a sign of post-traumatic stress)
These are all signs of anxiety!
Therapy Can Help
Anxiety is like the smoke detector of our body – it alerts us that there is something to pay attention to, that there is danger, or that we must take action. But similar to the smoke detector in our home, if the alarm sounds too often, we are on edge, worried, and taking action in ways and at times that may be exaggerated or unnecessary. Through therapy, we can help you to both discover the source of the over-working alarm system and get it functioning in the right way and at the right time.
At Open Mind Therapy Center, We Can Help You:
Gain insight into what triggers your anxiety
Experience situations and interactions in a new, less overwhelming way
Feel more ease and confidence socially
Become more comfortable with imperfection
Increase self-confidence and self-trust
Feel more comfortable setting boundaries and communicating your needs to others
Heal wounds from lingering past events
Learn strategies to regulate your physical and emotional states when stressed or triggered